Arduino: C++ Style
Here’s a tip that will make C coders yell and cry, but will make C++ coders happy: how to implement C++ stream syntax for Arduino.… ≫
Here’s a tip that will make C coders yell and cry, but will make C++ coders happy: how to implement C++ stream syntax for Arduino.… ≫
For a project, I’ve been assigned the task to access the ANCS from an AVR using Nordic’s nRF8001. Even though it’s mostly integration work of Apple’s specifications and Nordic’s ones, it end up being way harder to build than expected, and couldn’t have been done without the help of the Nordic’s support team.… ≫
The pollux project has been a project I’ve worked on for two years with my friend and colleague Kasey. Today, that project has been released as FLOSS/OSHW with all sources on github. And it is also featured on hackaday. And that rocks!… ≫
I need to use the SL030 RFID reader on linux (on a beaglebone with i2c support enabled, of course). But when I tried to communicate with the device using i2cget, the device failed and disappeared from the detected devices… After the break, we’ll see why and how I solved it.… ≫
At Le Loop hackerspace, we often get broken, old or unwanted weird devices. Then recently we were given two Led Matrix displays with a technology from the 80s. First one was a one line with red led display and the second one was a green multiline display. So, here is a little story on how I managed to pwn them.… ≫
After a colleague pointed out the Yaler project, that aims to control an arduino using a RESTful interface, he challenged us to do the same, but simpler and in python. That’s how we started the Pyaler project… ≫
After meeting Jimmie P Rodgers and Mitch Altman at the RMLL conference, I hacked Jimmie’s LoLShield to add dynamic characters support.… ≫
I just ended a proof of concept of door locking/unlocking system for our hackerspace.… ≫